Lesson 3 (01.07.03) – 6 hr


Poster time! 🙂

  1. Now that you’ve taken a look at the principles of graphic design, it’s time to think about how you can you use those in Photoshop to design a great poster for your Creative Blitz! Your poster will promote the INCREDIBLES 2 sequel, to be released Summer, 2018. Check the Creative Blitz page and the Poster Rubric to see what you need to accomplish. Here’s an excerpt about this project: Design a poster that incorporates your logo and promotes the INCREDIBLES 2 sequel, to be released Summer, 2018. Develop a brand, color scheme, and include your final logo design on the poster. Include the release date, and make up some information for the teaser/poster that will be appealing and introduce your character, its superpower, and the sequel. Don’t try to match the style of the Incredibles movies — do something in a style that you think will appeal to your target audience — you get to brand this poster.
  2. Do some research to see the elements of a movie poster. You may even want to see what resources there are in PluralSight or elsewhere. I found this course: Creating Movie Poster Concepts in Photoshop (PluralSight) and you might find one in Lynda.com too. Share a cool link in our Weekly Chat board.
  3. Start up a Pinterest board with images that you find when you do a Google search. Put movie posters into the Pinterest board that have elements that you like. (Here is a board I made: https://www.pinterest.com/kritterbee/animationdesign-movie-posters/)
  4. Use your tablet or pencil and paper to sketch small thumbnails to brainstorm ideas for your poster layout. If you use pencil and paper, take a picture of your thumbnails. Post your ideas in a Behance project for your Poster Creative Blitz.
  5. Share a link to your thumbnails in the Weekly Chat and ask your fellow classmates for feedback.
  6. Comment on at least 4 other students Poster project ideas.

Submit Your Work

In the Basecamp To-Do Item for this lesson, do the following:

  • a screenshot of your post in the Weekly Chat asking for feedback
  • a link to your Pinterest board where you are collecting inspirations
  • a link to your Behance project for the Poster Creative Blitz