Lesson 2 (01.07.02) – 4 hr


Log in to PluralSight and watch the Keys to Amazing Graphic Design Layouts. This course will give you the concepts you need to create a great poster for your next Creative Blitz!

Truthfully, these concepts of what looks good have been around for a very long time. Sometimes, we don’t know what it is that makes something look good or look bad — by understanding these concepts of composition, you can not only make better looking animations, but you can also contribute to peer reviews and help other people on your team to create better designs as well. AND it could be your ability to talk about these things using the correct words/concepts in an interview that helps you land a job!

He will be working in a document layout program called InDesign, which we aren’t going to learn this year, so you won’t be working along with him. (NOTE: You will be creating your poster for the Creative Blitz in Photoshop!) Instead, while watching this video course, learn the concepts so that you can learn how to make things look good! Answer the following questions in a Word document. You’ll paste these into the file you turn in for this lesson.

  1. What is a focal point? Why do you need one in graphic design? (video: The Focus of the Composition)
  2. What does he mean when he says the document he shows has a “hierarchy”? (video: The Focus of the Composition)
  3. What do we mean when we talk about movement in a design? (video: The principle of Movement)
  4. How can we use movement to make our designs better– what does it help us to do? (video: The principle of Movement)
  5. What does he mean when he talks about “weight”? (video: The Principle of Contrast)
  6. Why does he recommend looking at your design in black and white or squinting your eyes? (video: The Principle of Contrast)
  7. What are two tips he gives for using proximity and spacing? (video: The Principle of Proximity)
  8. How does repetition help us to get rhythm into our designs? (video: The Principle of Rhythm)
  9. How can you emphasize something in your design? (video: The Principle of Emphasis)
  10. How can you balance things in your designs? (video: The Principle of Balance)
  11. Why is variety important? (video: The Principle of Variety)
  12. Why is unity important and how can you achieve it in your designs? (video: The Principle of Unity)
  13. What are two good tips he gives in the following video? (video:Beginning Our Direct Mail Mini-project)
  14. What are two good tips he gives in the following video? (video: Creating Background Elements for Our Direct Mail Mini-project)
  15. What are two good tips he gives in the following video? (video: Creating Headline Type for Our Direct Mail Mini-project)
  16. What are two good tips he gives in the following video? (video: Setting the Supporting Type for Our Direct Mail Mini-project)
  17. Review the principles of CRAP here: https://vwo.com/blog/crap-design-principles/Make sure your poster follows these rules!

Submit Your Work

In the To-Do Item for this lesson, paste in the questions above with your answers.